Health 2030 Genome Center
The mission of the Health 2030 Genome Center is to develop and deploy genomic technologies and analysis methods in support of precision medicine, personalized health and biomedical research.
The Genome Center will advance these goals as a participant in national and international efforts investigating the genetic basis for disease pathogenesis, ultimately contributing to the improvement of human health and health care through preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
Additionally, the Genome Center aims to serve as a big data hub for the growing genomic needs of Swiss hospitals and research institutions, and it develops a range of educational programs focused on the use and the interpretation of genomic data directed at the general public, biomedical research scientists and health care professionals. Institutions collaborating in the Health 2030 Initiative are EPFL, UNIGE, HUG, UNIL, CHUV, UNIBE and Inselspital.
One important focus of the Genome Center activities is the support of the genome sequencing and data analysis for both clinical diagnostics as well as biomedical research. To this end, the Health 2030 Genome Center DNA Sequencing Platform (DSP) has been established to provide timely, cost-efficient sequencing and data analysis for the large-scale sequencing projects of the Swiss clinical and research communities.
In addition, the Health 2030 Genome Center Data Analytics and Interpretation Platform (DAIP) has also been established to provide current and state-of-the-art data analytics pertaining to all levels of genome analysis in both clinical and research environments.