Prof. Ioannis Xenarios
Chief Data Analyst
Ioannis Xenarios is a trained computational immunologist who received a PhD from the University of Lausanne and the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research. During his study he taught bioinformatics and computational biology in the early days of bioinformatics to student in biochemistry. At the end of his PhD he moved to UCLA University of California Los Angeles where he worked on several comparative genomics and interactions databases to study complexity of cellular networks. He then moved to Serono (later bought by Merck into Merck-Serono) to lead the development in proteomics and genomics in both translational and early discovery. He then led the group of Vital-IT and Swiss-Prot at the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics for eleven years where he developed with his team methods in non invasive prenatal diagnostic, early biomarker discovery in diabetes, neo-antigen, systems immunology in cancer biology, integrative biology and proteogenomics approaches.
He is also a professor of computational biology and bioinformatics at the University of Lausanne and a Professeur titulaire at the University of Geneva.
He has now a secondment at the Health 2030 Genome Center to develop and lead the establishment of the Data Analytics and Interpretation Platform.
Ioannis Xenarios served on several national and international body (ESFRI, IMI-JU, FRM and several computational and non-computational journals).