Patrizia Lombardo
Patrizia Lombardo has taught at Princeton University, University of Southern California Los Angeles, University of Pittsburgh and University of Geneva. She is now Emeritus Professor in the Department of French at the University of Geneva where she has been leading since 2009 the Project “Aesthetic Emotions and Affective Dynamics” at the Interdisciplinary Center for Affective Sciences . She has published scholarly articles on French 19th and 20th century literature, literary criticism and literary theory, comparative literature, aesthetics, history of ideas, and theories of emotions.
Among her publications: Edgar Poe et la modernité (Birmingham, Alabama: Summa Publications, 1985);The Three Paradoxes of Roland Barthes (Athens: Georgia University Press, 1989); Cities, Words and Images. From Poe to Scorsese (Houndmills: Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003); E. Rallo-Dichte, J. Fontanille, P. Lombardo, Dictionnaire des passions littéraires (Paris: Belin, 2005); A. Marcussen Gullestad, L. Saetre, P. Lombardo, Exploring Textual Action (Aarhus: Aahrus University Press, 2010) L. Saetre, P. Lombardo, J. Zanetta, Exploring Text and Emotions (Aahrus: Aarhus University Press, 2014); Memory and Imagination in Film. Scorsese, Lynch, Jarmusch, Van Sant (Basigstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014). She serves in the Editorial Boards of the British review Critical Quarterly (Oxford: Blackwell) and the French review Critique (Paris: Éditions de Minuit), where she is a regular contributo