Luc Stoppini
Professor Emeritus HES
- luc.stoppini@hesge.ch
- +41 22 558 60 45
Luc Stoppini is presently an honorary professor at the Haute Ecole du Paysage, d'Ingénierie et d'Architecture de Genève (HEPIA, HES-SO). He was until recently responsible of the Tissue Engineering Laboratory at Campus Biotech from 2008 to 2021, which is presently led by Professor Adrien Roux. He was previously R&D director for Capsant Neurotechnologies Ltd (UK) and Founder and President of BioCell-Interface S.A (Switzerland). He has held academic positions at the Universities of Lyon, Geneva and Virginia (UVA, Charlottesville). Dr Stoppini has been involved in commercialising technologies for the last 10 years. Prior to joining Capsant Ltd, Luc Stoppini was developing in vitro models of neurodegenerative diseases (multiple sclerosis) within the Serono’s research centre based in Geneva. Dr. Stoppini has been setting up in vitro models to study physiological as well as patho-physiological processes occurring in the central nervous system. Dr. Stoppini was the pioneer in developing the technique of brain organotypic slice cultures on membranes which is now used in numerous public institutions as well as private companies. In parallel to his activities on biological tissues, Dr. Stoppini was involved in the development and the validation of different types of bio-electronic interfaces. He was partner of the European project FP7 ESNATS (2008-2013). He was also one of the main investigators of the EU capacities project FP7 PharMEA project (2009-2011) which consisted to the development of multi-plates for electrophysiological screening using multi-electrode arrays (M.E.A.) designed onto porous membranes. Since 5 years Dr. Stoppini is using neural cells derived either from human embryonic stem cells or iPS cells. Since its foundation in 2008, the group of L. Stoppini is partner of the Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology (SCAHT) to develop in vitro models of neurotoxicology. Presently, he is coordinator of the HES-SO program Diagnostic-Biochips (2013-2020). He was involved in a collaboration with the Wyss Center for bio and neuroengineering on the development and functionalisation of new generarations of novel glass probes for neural implantation (2017-2019).
Competencies: Culture cell (3D neural tissue engineering, Biocompatibility, in vitro assay for toxicology, confocal microscopy,...), Microtechnology and engineering (fast prototyping of device, electronic, microfluidic, Computer Aided Design, software design,...), Skills and technology combining cellular and engineering skills (electrophysiology by MEA, impedance spectroscopy for TEER measurement).