Public conference "Plastics in Lake Geneva: an overdose ?", on Tuesday, March 18th
Lieu / Hôte
Association de sauvegarde du Léman
In Switzerland, plastic consumption exceeds 1 million tonnes a year. According to available data from studies and extrapolations for Switzerland, nearly 14,000 tonnes of macroplastics and microplastics are disseminated in nature every year, discharged into soils, surface waters and their sediments, escaping retention mechanisms and elimination. This waste breaks down into invisible particles that insidiously find their way everywhere. The problem has thus spread around the world and become one of the greatest environmental problems that humanity has created and must face up to.
Place: Campus Biotech, Auditorium
Time: 18h00 - 22h00
More information and registration here.
If you have any questions, please write to asl@asleman.org.