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Hansjörg Wyss (Fondateur)
Famille Bertarelli (Fondatrice)
Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne EPFL (Fondateur)
Université de Genève (Fondateur)
MassChallenge Startup Summit
John Donoghue: Osons interpréter les signaux du cerveau
Journée portes ouvertes à Campus
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Fondation Campus Biotech Geneva (FCBG)
Un lieu, une histoire
Mission et Vision
Institut de Santé Globale (ISG)
Centre de Neuroprothèses (CNP)
SIB Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique
EPFL Blue Brain Project (BBP)
Haute Ecole du Paysage, d'Ingénierie et d'Architecture (HEPIA)
Laboratoire d'Ingénierie Tissulaire
Laboratoire de Bioinstrumentation et de Micro-ingénierie
Service de cybersanté et télémédecine des HUG
Antoine Geissbuhler
Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique
Christian Lovis
Réalité Virtuelle et Robotiques
Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives (CISA)
David Sander
Didier Maurice Grandjean
Unité de Recherche Clinique et Sommeil
Kerstin Preuschoff
Fabrice Teroni
Julien Deonna
Patrizia Lombardo
Edouard Gentaz
Tobias Brosch
Neurosciences des systèmes cognitifs
Faculté de Médecine : Informatique Médicale
Antoine Flahault
Patrik Vuilleumier
Olaf Blanke
Grégoire Courtine
Diego Ghezzi
Anne-Lise Giraud
Stéphanie P. Lacour
Narly Golestani
Silvestro Micera
Dimitri Van De Ville
Christoph Michel
Sophie Schwartz
Henry Markram
Ron Appel
Initiative "Neurosciences"
Initiative "Santé Digitale & Globale"
Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Éducation (FPSE)
Philippe Passeraub
Luc Stoppini
Portes Ouvertes au Campus Biotech
Service des sciences de l'information médicale des HUG
Laboratoire Langage et Cerveau
Laboratoire de Cartographie des Fonctions Cérébrales
Laboratoire Audition et Langage
Laboratoire Neurologie et Imagerie Cognitive
Laboratoire Neuroimagerie du Sommeil et de la Cognition
Corrado Corradi-Dell’Acqua
Laboratoire pour la Théorie de la Douleur (TOPLab)
Laboratoire Efficience Énergétique, Affect, Décision et Comportement
Laboratoire pour l'étude de l' élicitation et de l'expression des émotions (E3Lab)
Équipe Cerveau et Apprentissage
Groupe Neuroscience de l'Emotion et Dynamiques Affectives (NEAD)
Laboratoire du Développement Sensorimoteur, Affectif et Social (SMAS)
Daphné Bavelier
Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives (LNCO)
LinkedIn BBP
Twitter BBP
Facebook EPFL
LinkedIn EPFL
Twitter EPFL
Chaire Medtronic en Neuroingénierie
Facebook UNIGE
Twitter UNIGE
Adrien Lawrence
Erwin Böttinger, MD
Facebook HEPIA
Global Health Institute (GHI)
Laboratoire d'Épidémiologie Digitale
Marcel Salathé
Le Site
One Swiss Bank SA
Sophia Genetics
GAVI Alliance
Aga Khan Development Network
Laboratoire d'Interfaces Bioélectroniques Souples (LSBI)
Laboratoire d'Ingénierie Neurale Translationnelle (TNE)
Laboratoire de Traitement d'Imageries Médicales (MIP:Lab)
Thumos: le groupe genevois de recherche sur les émotions, les valeurs et les normes
EPFL Bioengineering Day 2016
Projet Dynamiques affectives et émotions esthétiques
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Le Consortium
Inauguration officielle de Campus Biotech
Wyss Center Facebook
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Wyss Center LinkedIn
Youtube EPFL
Instagram EPFL
À Propos de Campus Biotech
Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering
HUG Facebook
HUG Twitter
HUG Youtube
HUG LinkedIn
Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG)
Neurosciences in Finance and Economics
Plateforme de Neuroscience Humaine (HNP)
Plateforme de Neuroscience Préclinique (PNP)
Imagerie et Microscopie
Histologie/Culture cellulaire
Salle blanche
Plateforme de systèmes d'intégration (SIP)
Plateforme de Microsystèmes Neuronaux (NMP)
Banner 3 - Translation
Ateliers en libre accès
Service de conception et de fabrication
UPHummel Lab
Friedhelm Hummel
Laboratory of Multimodal Modelling of Emotion-feeling
David Rudrauf
Brain Diseases & Gut Microbiota
Semaine du cerveau 2017: EN QUÊTE D'ÉMOTIONS
Nuit des musées 2017
Virtual reality engineer for applied neuroscience research
You Tube BBP
Genetics Research and Collaboration to Grow at Campus Biotech
Alexandre Dayer
Anouchka Junod
Neuromodulation Facility Manager
Technicien-ne en Microtechnique
Scientific Communication Specialist
13th European Dependable Computing Conference
2nd Human Brain Project Young Researchers Event
red brain
Neurotech Investing and Partnering Conference 2017
2017 Bertarelli Neuroscience Symposium
2017 Bertarelli Neuroscience Symposium
Healthcare Summit 2017
Campus Biotech hosted the 2017 Gallatin Award
ICCMg - International Conference on Clinical Metagenomics - Second edition
Learning Brain & Emotion
Campus Biotech hosts Politico / Le Temps Health Care Summit
L’immortalité commence le 30 octobre
Associé principal de laboratoire pour la plateforme de génomique
2017 Symposium on Careers in Science: Academia and beyond
Data analysis manager in statistical methods & modelling for brain imaging
International Symposium on Chemical Biology 2018
Séance d'information: Expériences tirées du projet « Mon Dossier Médical »
The 2nd Conference on the Neurobiology of Mental Health
Technicien support IT
Assistant/internship position in real-time fMRI neurofeedback
Health 2030 Genome Center
Prof. Emmanouil Dermitzakis
Prof. Jacques Fellay
Dr. Keith Harshman
Health 2030 Genome Center administrator
Genomic data analysis positions at Health 2030 Genome Center
Genomic data manager/strategist position at Health 2030 Genome Center
Phonésie comme un accélérateur de rencontre
Forum Santé Numérique et Sécurité
Child Development Laboratory
Petra Hüppi
Software Engineer
Post-Doc position in applied computational neurophysiology
Postdoctoral position in Clinical Neuroengineering
Cinq lauréats pour les premiers « fonds catalyseurs »
Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux - spécialisation « big data »
Two PhD positions
WFPHA plaide pour une action intégrée sur la résistance aux antimicrobiens
Postdoctoral Position in Brain-Computer Interfaces
Couverture Sanitaire Universelle et Egalité pour les Peuples Indigènes du monde entier: Un Appel à l'Action - Les Peuples Indigènes prennent la parole
Développer une Culture de Recherche Responsable à l'ère de la Science Ouverte
Ecsite Annual Conference 2018
4ème édition des cours d’été de la ESPT - soutenue par la SPHN
26 juin: lancement du MOOC "Drugs, drug use, drug policy and health"
Premier atelier organisé par l’Association Internationale de Volcanologie et de Chimie de l'Intérieur de la Terre (IAVCEI) et le Global Volcano Model Network (GVM)
Contact - Instagram
Stage: Développement d’outils Python pour l’analyse de données EEG
Passeport–Vacances à Campus Biotech
Le camp d’été « Oser Entreprendre » 2018
La Nuit de la Science 2018 à Genève rencontre un grand succès
Sommet des Dispositifs Médicaux Implantables Actifs
Planète Santé
un(e) Responsable adminstratif/ve/financier/RH à 60%
Biologie moléculaire
Research associate
Switzerland Innovation
Créer son entreprise : de l’idée au projet concret
Enjeux et défis de l’Intelligence Artificielle sur le futur du Travail
Silvestro Micera est nommé professeur ordinaire
Forum ArtTech 2018
Troisième Conférence Internationale sur la Métagénomique Clinique
Comment atteindre ses premiers clients
Comment explorer son marché
Les bases de l'entrepreneuriat
Business Development Manager
Plateforme de Séquençage d’ADN du Health 2030 Genome Center
Symposium Annuel de Recherche en Neuroprosthétique
BioInnovation Day 2018: Une journée dédiée aux Innovateurs et aux Investisseurs actifs dans les Sciences de la Vie
Médecine personnalisée - Conférence i2b2 TranSMART AUG
Genomic data engineer
Penser le monde de demain. L’innovation dans la recherche
Une neurotechnologie révolutionnaire pour traiter la paralysie
Le Campus Biotech fait la science de demain
Philanthropie, émotions et empathie
H2020 – Health, IMI and US-NIH Research and IMI Practical Advice Session
La révolution quantique est là ! Vous la dirigerez ou en serez-vous un suiveur ?
Early-career Researchers Symposium
L’équipe du Blue Brain Project publie le tout premier atlas numérique des cellules cérébrales en 3D
Administrative and Communications Assistant
International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA)
Horizon 2019
Innovation Ecosystems
2ème Trialogue de Genève Renforcement de l’éducation pour les Objectifs du Développement Durable (ODD)
Lab technician in the Genomics Platform
Banner 4 - Events
La main bionique
Geneva Wealthtech Forum
Assemblée du centre de génomique
Celebrate International Women's Day with us: Pitching for gender equality
Deuxième conférence sur la neuromodulation des microcircuits neuronaux NM² annoncée par le Blue Brain Project
Meet the Makers of a Better World
HackaHealth — Make your abilities matter
Sustainable Fashion Hackathon
Comprendre les maladies virales émergentes et leur impact sur la santé publique
SDG3 Day / Eat yourself healthy - Eat real, living food
Spring School de l'Institut de Santé Globale
La science des matériaux et la modélisation informatique comme fondement de l'innovation dans le domaine des dispositifs médicaux
Édition 2019 du Bertarelli Symposium de Neuroscience
Technicien support informatique
Atelier international sur la vaccination et les capacités. Quelles implications pour la couverture santé universelle?
Innovation Festival
#TecToday Nouvelles technologies médicales : soigner jusqu’à améliorer?
Pricing of Medicines in Global Health
Human Resources Manager
Comment l'homme s'adapte-t-il à son environment?
Objectifs de Développement Durable 2030 : jeu et réseautage
Genomic Data Engineer position at the Health 2030 Genome Center
Dr Mary Tolikas nommée Chief Executive Officer du Wyss Center
Objet de science
Réunion Annuelle de la Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering (SSBE)
Wyss Center Neural Engineer – Geneva
EPFL Research Day à Genève & NeuroDay
Deux nouveaux projets du « fonds catalyseurs »
Campus Biotech et la WCSJ2019
Swiss Genomics Forum
Going viral? Deliberately releasing GM viruses into the environment
Langage et communication - Enjeux et impacts sociétaux
Café et Croissants
2ème AI Experts Days
Global Digital Development Summit
De nouveaux microscopes pour percer les mystères de l’organisation du cerveau
Mackenzie Mathis to hold EPFL’s fourth Bertarelli Foundation Chair
Geneus Café & Croissant
Tax Compliance Conference: Exploiting the Potential of AI, robotics and data analytics
ICCMg4 - Fourth International Conference on Clinical Metagenomics
CANCELLED - Brain and Cognition Seminars
Amputees merge with their bionic leg
Young Scientist Award 2019
Brainhack au Campus Biotech
De nouveaux implants auditifs souples en développement à l'EPFL
Accès aux soins de santé pour les patients diabétiques et le diabète de précision
Artificial Intelligence Geneva Summit (AIGS)
A deep learning model for early tooth decay detection
Blue Brain Seminar Series - Kanji Doya
Open Day at Campus Biotech Innovation Park - Café & Croissant, Tour and Geneus Demo Day
Fongit Open Day - Cafe, Croissants & Incubator Tour
2019 Global Entrepreneurship Week - IMSG's workshop
MSc Internship project proposal 2019 “Design of a virtual ‘Cocktail Party’ environment for exploring the neural correlates of speech stream segregation”
Neuroimaging Data Science Course – Workshop
Neuroscience Masters’ Day
Les GSI Working Papers : Une opportunité pour les chercheurs-euses
Daniela Zöller reçoit le prix EDEE Best Doctoral Thesis Award
2020 International Symposium on Chemical Biology
Forum Horizon 2020
CANCELLED - Campus Biotech 2020 Neuromodulation Workshop
Third Conference on the Neurobiology of Mental Health
Science et Art du Désir
Sexualité, Oncologie et Proctologie
BINC Grant Application
Pechakucha Night
Orchestrating your clinical development
La Plate-forme Fondation Bertarelli de thérapie génique renforce son assise à Campus Biotech
Artists residences at Campus Biotech in 2020
CANCELLED - SciFilmIt Hackathon Geneva
Swiss biotech STALICLA raises additional CHF 7.7 million
CANCELLED - 30th anniversary of the Master of Advanced Studies in Public Health
What to do with a Master's/PhD degree in neuroscience?
Réceptionniste-Assistant(e) administratif(ve) Fr/Ang, 50% (Fondation Campus Biotech Geneva)
CANCELLED - Women and Blockchain Panel
CANCELLED - Women in Innovation
Homo Economicus vs Homo Sapiens
CANCELLED - HackaHealth - OpenGeneva
CANCELLED - Geneva Health Forum Academy
CANCELLED - Hack Your Style
Artists at Campus Biotech
Breathing may change your mind about free will
Swissnex San Francisco highlights LNCO research
Swiss Biotech Stalicla announces closure of USD 8M (CHF 7.7) for second tranche of series A
Open call for the 2021 artist-in-residency programme
Campus Biotech Balustrades
Dance performances during the lunch break
CANCELLED - "Mouvement et Emotion" Photographic Exhibition
Une exposition sur la conscience de soi à l'EPFL
CANCELLED - La pub qui cartonne !
The Human Brain Project - Project Coordination Office
Christian Fauteux
Neuroscience and Neuroimaging Laboratory in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Stephan Eliez
Marie Schaer
Dayer Lab - Dévelopment Cortical et Psychiatrie
Adrien Roux
Jean-François Etter
Bettina Borisch
Stéphanie Dagron
Emmanuel Kabengele
Olivia Keiser
Geraldine Coppin
Florian Cova
Empeiria: The Geneva Research Group in Experimental Philosophy
From facial expressions to social signals for useful embodied social agents
Food & Human Behavior Lab
Méthodes et données
Plateforme de Thérapie Génique de la Fondation Bertarelli
#Versusvirus, 48h contre le Covid-19 !
HI5lab: Health Informatics for Innovation, Integration, Implementation and Impact
Prof. Ioannis Xenarios
Dr. Olivier Menzel
Campus Biotech accueille une étude de séroprévalence pour la population genevoise
Jean-Michel Aubry
Camille Piguet
Virtual Café & Croissant
L'économie après le Covid-19 - Table ronde digitale
“The world now has no choice but to count on science.”
Art et Science : explorer les enjeux scientifiques par l’art
Débats d’I-D: Resilience, a response to the crisis?
Going online? Legal and IP considerations
Débats d’I-D : Quel avenir pour le transport aérien ?
Fondation Bertarelli Catalyst Fund
EPFL Blue Brain Project and ETH Zurich deliver Academic Resources platform for COVID-19
NeuroImaging Data Science Course (NIDS) – Module #2 / Lecture #1 FAIR data, BIDS: overview of open data best practice in neuroimaging
Après le Covid19, que restera-t-il de nos libertés ?
EPFL and Wyss Center call for startup projects
Comment faire un business plan?
Comment tester mon produit sur le marché?
Mackenzie Mathis
Mathis Lab
Alexander Mathis
Mathis Group
Jocelyne Bloch
Mahsa Shoaran
Integrated Neurotechnologies Laboratory
Débats d’I-D : Négociation, jeu ou enjeu ?
Software Engineer in Bioimaging (Wyss Center)
Débats d’I-D : The clash of ages, a challenge for companies?
Citizen Science and Grassroots Innovation
COVID-19: Combining crowdsourcing and AI to tackle the pandemic
Geneva Resilience Hack
Innovating for a Sustainable Post-Pandemic World
Comment savoir si mon idée d’entreprise est bonne ?
Comment proposer mon produit pour qu’il se vende ?
CNP groups win interdisciplinary EPFL funding
Post-Market Clinical Follow-up (PMCF)
Two CNP professors nominated for the Harvey Prize
Making Immunization Interventions Successful
Comprendre les enjeux de santé publique après une pandémie - Cours d’introduction en accès libre avec le Prof. Antoine Flahault
First transparent surgical mask goes into production
COVID-19: Diagnostics and Testing
Histoires d'émotions
Test to Exit COVID-19 – Engaging women political leaders as champions for testing
Confined: for better or for worse - psychological impacts
Confined: for better or for worse - environmental impacts and health consequences
At the heart of the language machinery
A fair reward ensures a good memory
CoreMedica Announcing EUA Approved Antibody Test for COVID-19
Addex mglu2 pam program to advance into epilepsy phase 2a proof of concept clinical study
Pharma pledges to continue 20 year partnership with Gavi, the vaccine alliance
Unige project "Body Resonance: DOUZE MILLE VINGT" awarded by SNSF
Statistics and data visualization - Lessons learned from the SARS-Coronavirus-2 - streamed
Fondation Bertarelli Catalyst Fund - Research Funding
Débats d’I-D : USA-Europe Relations … “I Love You, Me Neither”!
Blue Brain Nexus Forge: Building and using Knowledge Graphs made easy
Discover the alternative format of the Open Geneva Open Innovation Festival
New AMR Action Fund steps in to save collapsing antibiotic pipeline with pharmaceutical industry investment of US$1 billion
Michael Dayan
Olivier Reynaud
Virginie Sterpenich
Antoine Provost
Margaux Dubessy
Gwenaël Birot
Loan Mattera
Roberto Martuzzi
Olivier Reynaud
Using brain imaging to pierce the mystery of human behavior
The World Federation of Public Health Association (WFPHA)
Blue Brain co-develops COVID-19 Diagnostic Implementation Simulator
Computational Model Decodes Speech By Predicting It
A 8 ans, on relie l’émotion d’une voix et celle d’un visage
Restoring mobility by identifying the neurons that make it possible
SciFilmIt Hackathon Geneva
Advanced germline variant analysis with the SOPHiA Platform
Virtual Café & Croissant
Communicate your science with stop motion animation
Dr. Katrin Männik
Relief Therapeutics and NeuroRx note submission of clinical results from 21 patient study for publication
Addex and SIB receive Innosuisse grant to repurpose potent dopamine antagonist
Using viscous metals in micro fibers
New era in brain monitoring technology could improve diagnosis of epilepsy and lead to personalized treatment options
Restless nature of human spinal cord, non-invasive imaging reveals
New ERC starting grants
New SNSF Grants
G-Therapeutics and Imverse are among the TOP 100 Swiss startups 2020
Six projets lauréats pour l'édition 2020 du Catalyst Fund de la Fondation Bertarelli au Campus Biotech
Brain stimulation reduces dyslexia deficits
Un lien entre les neurones sensoriels et le système immunitaire
The impact of COVID-19 on the future of the healthcare industry: an interview with Thomas Cueni, Director General, IFPMA
Sport and memory go hand in hand
16th World Congress on Public Health (WCPH2020)
POSTPONED IN 2021 -Résonance Affidea Suisse 2020
Cupcakes & Croissants
Blue Brain Seminar - Cell-specific cholinergic modulation of neocortical neurons
Empowerment Lab - Digital courses
Workshop - The analysis of pre-test post-test studies with R
Workshop - “Let’s dare and talk about burnout and impostor syndrome”
Artists-in-residency programme
Zoom Conference on Equal opportunity with Prof. Dr. Tom Welton
Twelve Thousand And Twenty
Mental accounting is impacting sustainable behavior
Empathy exacerbates discussions about immigration
Malice leaves a nasty smell
Are you interested in learning more about global health issues?
Wyss Center partners with Coat-X to advance ultra-thin coating for use in active medical implants
Yes You Can! Meet Women Executives in Tech
Unleash Your Superpowers - Workshop for Female Founders
POSTPONED IN 2021 -BioAlps Networking Day 2020
Sophia Genetics Raises $110 Million In Oversubscribed New Funding Round
Ensuring high resolution CNV detection
Open Day at Campus Biotech Innovation Park - Café & Croissant and Geneus Demo Day
6th Meeting for Caregivers in Psychiatry
Brain Matters
CyberPeace Institute
There is no such thing as happy happiness
Small philosophical reflections on the meaning of life
Sustainable Finance Hack 2020
Sustainable Finance Innovation Bootcamp
Ageing and Disabilities Innovation Bootcamp
HBP Tea & Slides 6
Achieving Cyberpeace: A Collective Effort in Cyberspace and Beyond
A step closer to mapping the rodent brain
Oral Health for Children: A Human Right
From science research to startup
A malformation illustrates the incredible plasticity of the brain
Listening or lip-reading? It’s down to brainwaves
SIB Awards
Semaine de l'entrepreneuriat - Libérez vos idées !
GHF 2020: putting humans at the forefront of global health
Geneva Health Forum
Producing a Safe and Effective Vaccine: Align Public Health Needs with Economic & Social Development Objectives
Discover the new, the Swiss Bioinformatics Resources' Portal
Silke Pan remporte l'argent au Cybathlon avec l'exosquelette TWIICE
CNP members win the Silver prize at the 2020 BCI award
DLN: Towards the development of a Cortical Visual Neuroprosthesis for the blind: Challenges and future prospects
How to become the change-maker of tomorrow ?
Swiss Accelerators' Showcase 2020
Mathis Lab and Mathis group receive funding from CZI
Together we can #FlattenTheFlu!
IGM Colloquium: Engineering softness in biomimetic neural interfaces
Testing Language Aptitude: History of the construct and empirical investigations of young multilinguals
Combining Signals can provide Functional Specificity and Communicative Efficiency: Evidence from bonobos’ vocal-gestural combinations
Discover the world of biomedicine with the new
Marcel Salathé selected to lead national COVID-19 research program
Three professors of the Faculty of Medicine (UNIGE) among the most cited researchers in 2020
COVID-19: Air quality influences the pandemic
Prof. Laurence Kaufman: These emotions to which we are attached. At the crossroads of social sciences and political phenomenology
Bridging scales – combining functional ultrasound imaging, optogenetics, and electrophysiology to study neuronal networks underlying behaviour
Symposium HUG/CHUV Neuro- Covid, complications neurologiques du virus SARS-CoV-2
Forbes 30Under30 DACH welcomes 15 Swiss start-up founders
Prêt? Partez, Pitch ! - Contest for Entrepreneurs
Training Courses for scientists
20th of December Deadline for Business Concept Spring 2021
Leading with skill, managing for high performance
CIS - "Get to know your neighbors" Seminar series - Prof. Mackenzie Mathis
TWO CNP labs awarded an eSeed grant from STI
Grégoire Courtine wins the IET A F Harvey Engineering Research Prize
DeepLabCut-Live! real-time marker-less motion capture for animals
A weather station for epileptic seizure
A video game to understand the origin of emotions
Speak Up Africa and IFPMA launch the “Africa Young Innovators for Health Award” to fuel innovation and help advance promising healthcare solutions
NCCR online Info Event
Using play to “school” children’s emotions
Coremedica launches a Covid test at home
AI & Democracy
Peeking inside ‘mini-brains’ could boost understanding of the human brain in health and disease
Medtech 2021 and Beyond: Tips for Survival in Europe’s New Medtech Environment
The first 100% transparent masks will be produced in Geneva by this summer.
The Royal Marriage of Science and Diplomacy
Geneva Trialogue
Modeling the Human Brain – A Long-Term Perspective
Building Confidence in COVID-19 Vaccination
#TeamVaccines Campaign to build trust in COVID-19 vaccines
Implementation of a Customized Myeloid NGS-based Solution in an Academic Clinical Laboratory
Les mystères du sommeil dévoilés grâce à l'IRM
EPFL Neuro Workshop – Vision: from vision research to clinical therapy
Swiss Genomics Forum
Synapsy seminar serie
Setup of a new 3D culture method for drug screening and development using brain organoids from mouse and human-derived cells.
Inferring human genomes at a fraction of the current cost promises to boost biomedical research
NCCR / ISLE Joint Colloquium // Irene Pepperberg
EPFL Neuro Symposium // Surprise, Curiosity and Reward: from Neuroscience to AI
BMI SEMINAR // Barbara Webb - Modelling the neural mechanisms of navigation in insects
Seminars neurobiology // Nathalie Rochefort
Seminars Neurobiology // Seth Grant: “The synaptome in time and space”
Seminars neurobiology // Adrien Peyrache
A new means of neuronal communication discovered in the human brain
Tech4Growth Health
New treatment helps patients with a spinal cord injury
NeuroImaging Data Science (NIDS) Course
Nos émotions, des alliées dans la crise?
Life Sciences Café & Croissant
Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA) Foundation
Dimitri Van De Ville named IEEE Distinguished Lecturer
Geneva ReproducibiliTea Journal Club
Brain Matters Episode 4 // Brain Simulation Science and Technology: Looking Forward
Applied Machine Learning Days // AI & Food and Nutrition & Clinical Machine Learning
Discover the #TeamVaccines campaign, a global digital campaign designed to build confidence in COVID-19 vaccines
De l'amour
Biostime Institute: a commitment to innovation and scientific research
Probing Biological Dynamics in the Native State: From Long-Term Brain Electrophysiology to Subcellular Dynamic Imaging
Intracortical brain-computer interfaces: from fundamental science and engineering to restoring speech and reach & grasp
NeuroTech Talk series
DLN Spatial self-motion estimation for motor control in the cerebellum, Prof. Andrea Green
KAUST & EPFL Blue Brain Project - Online Workshop 'Integrative Modeling of Brain Energy Metabolism'
Wyss Center joins $36M international collaboration to improve recovery from spinal cord injuries
Women in Innovation: Providing leadership, creating solutions and driving change
Hackathon “Ageing Better with ICTs"
Les émotions pour lutter contre le changement climatique
[BC]2 Basel Computational Biology Conference
Playing with Lives: Cyberattacks on Healthcare are Attacks on People
That’s AI, an online learning resource for everyone. Free and for everyone!
NCCR Evolving Language
Philanthropy Lunch
Welcome to the four laureates of the artist-in-residency programme
Retinal implant shines light on artificial vision
Shining a light on neurodegenerative disorders
Fondation Bertarelli Catalyst Fund 2021 at Campus Biotech
Branding in Life Sciences by Vivactis Switzerland
4th Microbiota Congress (HUG)
NeuroTech Talk series
Marketing Strategy by Vivactis Switzerland
Tech4 Eva
Neuroscience, Computing, Performance, and Benchmarks: Why It Matters to Neuroscience How Fast We Can Compute
Connecting Life Sciences Innovators @ Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE)
AI & Sustainable Energy
Accelerating global COVID-19 research with a Swiss SARS-CoV-2 Data Hub
GliaPharm receives support from Innosuisse for a project to develop specific cell therapy to treat neurological diseases
Preclinical Neuroscience Platform Technician (FCBG)
Tech 4 Growth Health
A promising future for soft bioelectronic interfaces
Call: Impact of Covid-19 on brain and mental health
Is schizophrenia the cost of a poor brain optimisation?
Disability, Social Inclusion and Innovation
Health 2030 Genome Center Webinar Series
Workshop series on Intellectual Property
Venture Briefing, Geneva
Anticipating the future of artificial intelligence and its impact on people and on society
AI & Topology
BBL/CIBM/CB Research day 2021
NeuroTech Talk - May 6th @18h00 CET
La grande verrière de Campus Biotech a été ouverte avec succès
Productive ‘Integrative Modeling of Brain Energy Metabolism' workshop
2nd EPFL-Wyss Center call for entrepreneurial projects
Réveiller les « fantômes » des malades de Parkinson
2nd Training Day: Sexuality, Oncology And Proctology
Une interface cerveau-ordinateur crée du texte à l’écran à raison de 90 caractères par minute
Accréditation ISO pour le Health 2030 Genome Center
RÉSONANCE AFFIDEA-SUISSE 2020: l'épaule médicale et chirurgicale
The Rollercoaster Ride of Entrepreneurship - a Journey to Life Sciences innovation
Bile acids trigger satiety in the brain
SDG Summer School 2021: Open Source Health Solutions
Do you want to increase your brand visibility in the bioinformatics landscape?
#TeamVaccines - Why I'm getting vaccinated against COVID-19?
#NCCRWomen campaign for the 50th anniversary of women’s vote in Switzerland
The FCBG is reinforcing its role as a service provider
Smart Health : Digital solutions on test bench
Fall Innosuisse Business Concept Training is Open
Protéger le QI des personnes à risque de psychose
Discovering Tomorrow's Digital Careers
Value-based Vaccination Webinar
EPFL Professors win 2021 Leenaards Foundation Science Prizes
Silvestro Micera receives 2021 EMBS Technical Achievement Award
DevOps Engineer Intern in the DAIP of the Health 2030 Genome Center
Switzerland Innovation Tech4impact Initiative 2nd Call For Proposals
CE Marking for Medical Devices
Registration QUALTECH – ISS AG, Medical Device Registration in China
Tailored optical stimulation for the blind
Viscoelastic electrodes for heart and brain stimulation and recording
Next-generation implants will be biodegradable and non-invasive
Tech4Eva - Focus Group on Prevention and Wellness
Tech4Eva Focus Group Menopause, Incontinence, and Period Health - Registration: June 30, 2021
The future of digital health and wellbeing of women: Technologies & Investment Opportunities
BioAlps Networking Day 2021 | 20 years anniversary
Music, Development and Rehabilitation
What do we know about the rodent thalamocortical circuitry?
Measuring The Invisible - A hands-on approach for the characterization of nanomedicines” Galenus NanoGVA Symposium
i-Teams: la 5e édition se conclut
Dr. Silvia Marchesotti was awarded by the Swiss Dyslexia Association
3D computer vision for brain analysis
SciFilmIt Hackathon
How to make biomedical research data able to interact?
Machine-learning improves the prediction of stroke recovery
What does the sleeping brain think about?
GESDA Annual Summit 2021
Blood Donor Day: book your slot to donate blood
Emmanouil Dermitzakis winner of the Curt Stern Award 2021
Tech4eva Prevention & Wellness Focus Group
Tech4eva Pregnancy Focus Group
Brain fingerprints help doctors detect neurological disease
A machine reveals how glucose helps the SARS-CoV-2 virus
La pandémie de covid19 - un accélérateur de la digitalisation de la santé
Workshop: Basics of Regulatory Affairs in Medtech (by Medidee)
Why do scientific discoveries take long to reach the general public?
Prof M. Mathis, Bertarelli Foundation Chair of Integrative Neuroscience, receives the FENS EJN Young Investigator Prize 2022
Second annual Swiss Accelerator Showcase
Applied Machine Learning Days - September 2021
ASEAN Ambassadors visit GESDA at Campus Biotech
Voltage-sensitive dye simulations reveal how neurons work together
Maternal voice reduces pain in premature babies
NeuroTech Talks
Staff Scientist – 3D Transcriptomics (Wyss Center)
Using video for the early detection of autism
DeepLabCut receives new support for growth
Are we ready for the silent pandemic of antibiotic resistance?
MIPLAB contributes to new standards in spinal cord MRI
Business Development Manager, 100% (Wyss Center)
Medical Devices
20 years of international solidarity
CyberPeace Institute efforts recognized by Les Grands Prix de l’économie
Four projects selected for the Bertarelli Foundation's Catalyst Fund
Build an effective Strategy for your Startup
An algorithm to predict psychotic illnesses
ReproducibiliTea journal club
New hands-on journal club on open & reproducible data science
Virtual reality affects children differently than adults
New photoelectric implant controls the activity of spinal neurons
Blue Brain uses deep learning to align complex brain datasets
A cryptography game-changer for biomedical research at scale
Our brains have a “fingerprint” too
Bioinformatician in imaging analysis (Wyss Center)
Junior research scientist - Transcriptomics (Wyss Center)
Junior research scientist - Brain Connectomics (Wyss Center)
Bioinformatician in single cell -omics analysis (Wyss Center)
Data / Software Engineer for a Brain Data Platform dedicated to Neuroimaging Data Science
i-Teams 7th round, hosted this semester at Campus Biotech: Apply before March 4th !
In:Connect : “Meet your future employer!”
In:Connect – “Meet your future employer!” on April 11th
Full Stack Web Developer at the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
In:Connect – “Meet your future employer!”, a career discussion at Campus Biotech!
In:Connect – “Meet your future employer!” on June 23rd
i-teams final presentations & networking lunch
Office and Administrative Manager (100%)
i-Teams 8th edition: Apply before October 18th!
WHO Air Quality Guidelines 2021: a global challenge !
DevOps Internship for a Cloud Neuroimaging Platform
Development of Neuroimaging Data Knowledge Graphs - Internship for Masters
Development of Neuroimaging Data Knowledge Graphs - Internship for Masters
Development of a scapula markerless pose estimation based on deep learning approaches
Healing sleep to improve cognition and emotion regulation during adolescence. Creation of a new ecological psychosocial stress task
Brain-computer interfaces: New technology. More data. Improving lives.
Tech4Eva Conference, Lausanne, November 28, 2022 (hybrid)
Swiss Accelerator's Showcase 2022
Technicien·ne en culture cellulaire et biologie moléculaire à 100%
Valentina Borghesani
Neurobiology of Concepts Expression Laboratory (NoCE)
Neurosoft Bioelectronics receives ISO 13485 Certification
Le premier système MEG au Campus Biotech
9e édition d'i-Teams: postulez avant le xxx !
Swissmedic x Health Valley le 17 février 2023 à Campus Biotech
Neuro-X Seminar: Towards thalamic visual prosthetics
2023 HNP updates
La science des données unicellulaires permet des avancées récentes dans la recherche sur le cancer.
Bienvenue à la 9ème édition des i-Teams !
Prix scientifique Leenards 2023
MAS en santé publique
Et si l'IA illustrait les titres des thèses de doctorat des chercheurs du CISA... Fascinant!
Tango lessons in Campus Biotech
La protection des personnes dans le cyberspace
Inauguration of the “NeuroNA Foundation Human Cellular Neuroscience Platform” on April 24, 2023
Don du sang 2023
Au cœur de la bioélectronique médicale
Monday 3 April 2023 - Don't miss the next Learn & Lunch
Le rôle de la taille du champ visuel dans la vision artificielle
Dans la boîte noire des intelligences artificielles
Le Wyss Center nomme Erwin Böttinger au poste de directeur général
La fragilité en question(s)
April Happy Hour
The Virtual Reality Facility of the FCBG is hiring!
Opening Symposium
NeuroNA Foundation Human Cellular Neuroscience Platform's inauguration
Découvrez les résultats remarquables du SIB en 2022
MEG: les premières impressions
To poke gently in the ribs" video installation in Campus Biotech
Mission to impact
Scaling Up Single Cell Genomics with Parse Biosciences
Head of the DNA Sequencing Platform of the Health 2030 Genome Center
I-Teams Spring 2023 - Final presentation @Campus Biotech
Development of effective communication with Others and with AI
Conference on Printed Electronics applied to Biotech's and Medtech's
Hackathon ULTIMO sur l'avenir des transports publics autonomes
Ouvrir la boîte noire des lésions cérébrales traumatiques : une approche holistique combinant le tissu neuronal humain en 3D et un dispositif d'induction de lésions cérébrales traumatiques in vitro
Blue Brain Virtual Talk - Cortical neuronal diversity supporting human cognition
8th ICCMg Congress
Ingénieur(e) Systèmes et Réseaux
Healthier tomorrow: Prevention is the new cure - Future of Health Grant #2
Dive into the World of Partnerships at Tech4Growth Conference 2023!
Gardien(ne) d’animaux / Technicien(ne) animalier(ère)
The Learn & Lunch is back on 4th September
Publishing your clinical research: How to write strong protocols and great manuscripts
Prêt? Partez, pitch!
Wyss Center Brain Health Symposium
G2MC 7th International Conference
The medicine of the future in DNA?
Public session schedule, Lecture by Nobel Laureate in Physics (2010) Konstantin Novoselev (UNIGE, 5th of October)
Méditer pour mieux vieillir: Que dit la science?
Radio program on mental health organized by Synapsy, FCBG and LuxRadio
Monday 2 October 2023 - Be with us at the next Learn & Lunch
Exposition "In Between"
“The Innovation Debate”, Thursday 2 November 2023
Conférence UDP
Symposium on Infant Development - Friday October 20th, 9h00-11h30, Campus Biotech
Monday 6 November 2023 - Be with us at the next Learn & Lunch
Table ronde "Se risquer sans trembler"
Réécoutez la journée radio !
Announce dance workshops
Conférence "AI for Life"
Evénement GENEVA AI - Meetup
Lundi 4 décembre 2023 - Ne manquez pas le dernier Learn & Lunch de l'année
Let's celebrate together - Thursday 14 December 2023, Campus Biotech Christmas Party
Inscription pour la fête de Noël du Campus Biotech le jeudi 14 décembre 2023
Meditation in Virtual Reality MSc Internship project
Cours de Salsa et Bachata
7 Tesla MRI at Campus Biotech
Fondation Campus Biotech Geneva - Introducing Our New Director & Appreciating Outgoing Director ad interim
WHIAD 2024
Prochain événement "FONGIT Café + Croissant on tour", 29 février 2024
Translational Research Project Manager (80-100%)
Happy hour Carnaval
Séminaire B&C organisé par CISA: Dominik Schöbi - 27.02.2024, 12h15
Conférence publique, L'intelligence artificielle pour lutter contre le cancer, Uni Dufour, February 29th, 2024
i-Teams 11th round ! Apply by March 15th.
B&C Tuesday Seminar hosted by NCCR Evolving Language - March 5, 2024 12:15-13.15 - Auditorium H8-03
Responsable financier
B&C Tuesday Seminar, March 12th
Arrivée d'une nouvelle équipe au Campus Biotech
ReproducibiliTea Journal Clubs (Printemps 2024)
Colloque international, "Influences et manipulations à l'ère des réseaux sociaux, de l'IA et des technologies numériques"
B&C Tuesday Seminar, 26 mars 2024
Happy hour de Pâques: vendredi 12 avril 2024
Symposium sur la MEG en pharmacologie
Café + Croissant, FONGIT, 16 avril 2024
Menarini Biotech Roadshow le 17 avril 2024
Globethics - ICDE Leadership Summit 2024 5-7 June, Campus Biotech
Journée portes ouvertes ALICe demain au Wyss Center
B&C Tuesday Seminar, April 23rd
Réception du Prix Roger de Spoelberch pour le Professeur Denis Jabaudon
Invitation au Symposium NeuroNA sur les neurosciences cellulaires humaines - Les inscriptions sont ouvertes
Conférence "Nombres mystérieux: des mathématiques à la physique, et inversément"
B&C Tuesday Seminar organisé par NCCR Evolving Language - 30 avril 2024 12:15-13:15
A ne pas manquer ! Lundi 6 mai 2024, soyez des nôtres lors du prochain Learn & Lunch !
Geneva cardiomyopathy course, 2-3 mai 2024
Hackathon Space and Global Health, 31 mai - 1 juin 2024
FONGIT's upcoming Café + Croissant on tour
"L'intelligence artificielle au service de la santé", 16 mai 2024
Annonce des ateliers de danse
B&C Tuesday Seminar hosted by COSYN - May 14, 2024 12.15 - 13:15
Séance photo prochainement au Campus Biotech !
Geneva Health Forum, 27-29 mai 2024
SKMF Round Table Geneva, 13 juin 2024
B&C Tuesday Seminar - 21 mai, 12:15-13.15 - auditoire
Swiss Reproducibility Network (SwissRN) workshops
B&C Tuesday Seminar - May 28, 2024 12:15-13.15 - Room H8-01-D
Rejoignez-nous le 12 juin pour notre table ronde avec l'Institut Cajal, 14h00 - 16h00
Permanence service de soutien à la recherche UNIGE @Campus Biotech le 5 juin
Trust Village Geneva Official Opening
Réservez votre créneau pour donner du sang
[SCBA] - Annonce atelier de danse le 12 juin
Installations des neurosciences humaines à Campus Biotech
Archives du Festival: sons, espace et émotions, 10 juillet
FOOD & AFFECTIVE STATES – Philosophy and Beyond, September 18th and 19th, 2024
Journée de recherche - "Décider face aux mutations : entre discernement, intuition et intime conviction", vendredi 6 décembre 2024
Mapping the biology of spinal cord injury in unprecedented detail
Une cartographie précise des lésions de la moelle épinière
Dimitri Van De Ville remporte le prix de la réalisation technique de l'IEEE EMBS
FONGIT's upcoming Café + Croissant on tour
Séminaire B&C organisé par le NCCR Evolving Language - 2 juillet 2024 12:15 - 13.15
Permanence du service de soutien à la recherche de l'UNIGE @Campus Biotech les 3 et 10 juillet
Séminaire B&C - 9 juillet, 12:15-13.15 - salle H8-01-D
CIBM Electrical Neuroimaging Farewell Symposium, July 12th, 2024
Photoshoot à venir au Campus Biotech le lundi 8 juillet !
Matinale du recrutement, IMSG, vendredi 27 septembre 2024
Prix SSBE - Date limite de dépôt des candidatures le 15 juillet 2024 !
CAS HES-SO in Clinical Affairs, Regulatory and Quality for Medical Devices and In-Vitro Diagnostic (CARAQA)
Le prochain Café + Croissant de FONGIT, 27 août 2024
Restaurant et Time-Out Café fermés le 1er août 2024
Permanence service de soutien à la recherche UNIGE @Campus Biotech le 14 août 2024
Blood Donor Day at Campus Biotech on December 12th, 2024
Seminar on September 19th, 2024: Accelerating Drug Product Optimization using Translational Pharmaceutics®
"Opportunities for Healthcare industries in China", H8-01-D, August 27th, 2024
Neuro-X seminar: Prof Yao-Hong Liu - Retina-inspired compressive telemetry for implantable brain-computer interfaces
Permanence Service de soutien à la recherche - UNIGE @Campus Biotech le mercredi 4 septembre
FONGIT's upcoming Café + Croissant on tour September 24th, 2024
Prix Latsis 2024: Mackenzie W. Mathis traque le comportement pour comprendre le cerveau
"Les Célébrales", samedi 5 octobre 2024
World Cancel Congress, September 17-19, 2024
Fongit-Life, Tuesday, 17 septembre
Séminaire d'Anthony Flamier le mardi 17 septembre
Sustainable Finance Hack 2024 les 11 et 12 octobre
3rd Conference of the Swiss Implementation Science Network IMPACT
Permanence Service de soutien à la recherche - Campus Biotech
NEURO-CONNECT Tuesday Seminar - October 1st, 2024 12:15- 13:15 pm
Workshop on Quarto and R Markdown on Thursday, November 7th
i-Teams 12ème tour ! Posez votre candidature avant le 7 octobre.
RE:PAS Challenge 2024, du 7 au 18 octobre
Café + Croissant de la FONGIT, le 15 octobre, 09h30-10h30
ReproducibiliTea Journal Clubs (Automne 2024)
Technicien/ne en Radiologie Médicale en Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique (IRM)
"Futurs en tous genres", Thursday, November 14th
Octobre rose 2024
Join us at the next Fongit-Life on Tuesday, October 29th
Changement de pneus sur place, mardi 5 novembre, 8h00-12h00
Octobre rose au Campus Biotech
NEURO-CONNECT Tuesday Seminar - October 29th, 2024 12:15- 13:15 pm
Prochain Café + Croissant de la FONGIT
Campus Biotech a accueilli hier, le 17 octobre, le Président de l'Estonie !
Séminaire Neuro-X le 29 octobre 2024
Séminaire du mardi NEURO-CONNECT - 12 novembre 2024 12:15- 13:15
2ème session du ReproducibiliTea Journal Club le 1er novembre
Invitation à participer à une enquête sur la visibilité de la FCBG (3 minutes)
Public kick-off of the 2nd phase of the NCCR Evolving Language
Movember 2024
Be there! Le lundi 18 novembre 2024, soyez des nôtres lors du Learn & Lunch !
Journée de don du sang à Campus Biotech le jeudi 12 décembre
Idiosychronic, installation @ Campus Biotech du 14 novembre 2024 au 30 janvier 2025
NEURO-CONNECT Tuesday Seminar - December 3rd, 2024 12:15- 13:15 pm
FONGIT's upcoming Café + Croissant on tour
2nd Annual Innovation Debate, mercredi 8 janvier 2025
GliaPharm’s conference on Thursday, December 5th, 2024
Reception opening hours during the holidays
Le Professeur Alexandre Reymond nommé nouveau Directeur du Health 2030
NEURO-CONNECT Tuesday Seminar - December 17th, 2024 12:15- 13:15 pm
Menu de Noël, jeudi 12 décembre
✨ Neon Night at Campus Biotech on Friday, December 13th ✨
Friedhelm Hummel reçoit le prix Fürst Donnersmarck
Habit formation and disruption MSc Internship project
Speech Recognition Algorithm MSc Internship project
Information - Fermeture du restaurant Newrest le 23 décembre et les 2 et 3 janvier
Fermeture de fin d'année de la réception de la FCBG
NEURO-CONNECT Tuesday Seminar - January 21, 2025 12:15- 13:15 pm
Symposium on "Emerging viruses and new vaccines - from research to public health", Campus Biotech, April 7-9, 2025
Fongit-Life, mardi 21 janvier 2025
Sondage Saentys
Financial controller 80-100%
FONGIT's upcoming Café + Croissant on tour
Séminaire NEURO-CONNECT - 4 mars 2025, 12:15- 13:15 pm
Lucie Bréchet receives the Career Development Award from the Dementia Research - Synapsis Foundation Switzerland
Don du sang au Campus Biotech le lundi 24 mars
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