Health 2030 Genome Center Webinar Series
Dear colleague,
SAVE THE DATE for the first session of the Health 2030 Genome Center Webinar Series, which will be held on April 28, 2021, from 10:00 am to 11:30 am CET via Zoom.
This webinar, presenting the data analysis and interpretation of genomic data at the Genome Center, will be followed by a discussion between the Genome Center Data Analysis and Interpretation Team and participants from the research, clinic, and patient communities, as well as other stakeholder groups involved in genomics.
Register here today to secure your participation. More information will follow.
We look forward to meeting you online.
Yours sincerely,
The Health 2030 Genome Center Team
Health 2030 Genome Center
Fondation Campus Biotech Geneva
9 Chemin des Mines
CH-1202 Geneva