2017 Symposium on Careers in Science: Academia and beyond
Campus Biotech
the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Chemical BiologyThe first Symposium on “Careers in Science: Academia and beyond” will be held in November 29-30, 2017, Campus Biotech, Geneva. This event is open to all Master & PhD students, as well as postdocs in all science disciplines, from all Swiss universities.
The programme features 25 inspiring speakers from a range of employment sectors including academia, science administration, industry, entrepreneurship, education, communication or alternative paths! Participants will have the opportunity to become aware of the steps required for academic careers, discover their best fit and learn how their scientific training matches with the rich diversity of career options that go beyond bench research. A broad array of talks, toolkit talks and workshops on a range of topics will be proposed for researchers at all stages of their career development. The event will provide ample time for networking.
Become aware, discover, identify and learn the many science career possibilities ahead!
Online registration
Don’t delay your registration, places are going fast!
Registration deadline: November 10, 2017
The event is organized by the NCCR Chemical Biology and generously sponsored by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the NCCR MSE, NCCR QSIT, NCCR Synapsy, NCCR RNA & Disease, NCCR Bio-Inspired material and NCCR Transcure.
2017 Symposium on Careers in Science
Organisation NCCR Chemical Biology
Contact nccr-chembio@uninge.ch
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