ReproducibiliTea journal club
As part of the recently established Swiss Reproducibility Network (Swiss RN), the University of Geneva and the Methods & Data facility of the Foundation Campus Biotech Geneva (FCBG) are happy to announce a Geneva reproducibiliTea journal club to discuss papers and ideas on open & reproducible science.
The reproducibiliTea journal club will be every first friday of the month at 1pm (starting on October 8th). The idea is for interested researchers, no matter their affiliation or their field of research, to read the paper beforehand and join the club at this zoom link to talk about and discuss the paper in a friendly environment, preferably with some tea.
For this semester, the main organizers, Beatrice Valentini and Caro Hautekiet, have planned four journal clubs to get started. You can find the description of the papers which will be discussed (with the link to the articles) here.
We are looking forward to welcome anyone interested in open & reproducible science at the next session on October 8th at 1pm at this Zoom link.