Virtual event
Experience 24-hour access to breaking science like never before. Not only will AIDS 2020: Virtual showcase the latest developments in HIV research, the conference will present brand-new data on COVID-19 and HIV, showcasing how HIV informs and intersects with the COVID-19 pandemic. From the latest advances in basic, clinical and prevention research to innovations in social sciences and new insights into effective programme roll out, access the science first and be a part of accelerating progress in the HIV response.
A FIND-led session will highlight the need for continued simplification of care pathways to promote access to hepatitis C virus (HCV) services, and the promise of self-testing.
FIND-led session
Opportunities for eliminating hepatitis C virus (HCV) have been transformed by advances in diagnosis and treatment, including price reductions. However, achieving the 2030 targets of 90% diagnosis and 80% treatment of those infected still seems remote.
This session will highlight key results from a three-year Unitaid-funded project in four countries, with policy implications and lessons learned. The interventions assessed include decentralized HCV testing, care and treatment at primary care, and at antiretroviral therapy (ART) and harm-reduction sites; use of point-of-care HCV viral load at harm-reduction sites for people who inject drugs and ART clinics for people living with HIV; and first results on the use of HCV self-testing in three countries. Policy implications and lessons learned for implementation will be discussed.