CANCELLED - Women and Blockchain Panel
Auditorium H8
The Association of International Chambers of Commerce (AICC)The Association of International Chambers of Commerce (AICC) is pleased to invite you to its second event that will be held on Thursday, 5 March at the prestigious Campus Biotech in Geneva.
We will celebrate Women’s Day by organizing a panel of discussion with three speakers working in the blockchain.
The speakers are all women working and deeply involved in the blockchain:
- Emmanuelle Ganne: Senior Analyst and Blockchain Expert, World Trade Organization;
- Tina Balzli: Partner, PwC Legal Switzerland;
- Emilie Raffo: Blockchain Adviser, Blockchain Lecturer at CREA.
Moderation by Olivia Chang, CNNMoney Switzerland.
This incredible panel will be followed by a networking cocktail: 500 participants from at least 13 nationalities are expected!
The program of the evening is as follow:
6.00pm Welcome & registration
6.40pm Welcome from AICC president - Auditoire
6.45pm Panel of discussion - Auditoire
7.35pm Reception and cocktail dînatoire - Forum
10.00pm Finish
For more information and for the registration, please send an email by February 21st to: infogva@ccis.ch .
Looking forward to meeting you, we are at your disposal for more information.