Access to health care for diabetic patients and precision diabetes
The Geneva Health Forum, in collaboration with the University of Geneva and Geneva University Hospitals, is organizing a conference on Monday from 1pm to 2pm at the Biotech Campus Forum.
Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, Chief Scientist at the World Health Organization, will show the current state of the world's diabetes epidemic. She will explain the different barriers to access to care that exist in resource-limited countries.
Pr Emmanouil Dermitzakis1, in a presentation entitled Precision Diabetes, will present the proposed new classifications for the diagnosis of diabetes. These new diagnostic approaches will lead to new therapeutic solutions that are better adapted to the needs of patients.
This conference is free and open to the public.
A coffee is offered to continue the discussion at the end of the conference.
This conference is organized as part of the GHF Expert Meeting on Diabetes. This expert meeting brings together 60 experts from 10 countries who will share their experiences on current challenges and solutions to access insulin and diabetes care?
Department of Genetic Medicine and Development, Faculty of Medicine; University of Geneva; Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB); Health 2030 Genome Center
For more information : http://expertmeetingdiabetes.ghf2020.org