2nd Geneva Trialogue Scaling Education for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Campus Biotech, Auditorium
For this second edition of the Geneva Trialogue, University of Geneva is collaborating with UNITAR, the UN Institute for Training and Research, and XuetangX, the world’s largest Chinese MOOC platform, to convene thought leaders, education innovators and decision makers from academia, international organizations and the private sector.
Through invited talks, showcasing of existing programmes and platforms, panel discussions with experts, workshops and networking, the event explores ways to collaborate on scaling education to reach millions of learners of all ages, and to help them tackle the UN SDGs in impactful ways. This event is partially supported through the Geneva Tsinghua Initiative.
The event, which occurs just before the Davos WEF, will host 200 participants from around the globe, representing academia, international organizations and the private sector.
Please follow the link below to check the program of the conference: http://genevatrialogue.com