The covid19 pandemic - a gas pedal for the digitalization of healthcare
Symposium Background: Despite the challenges the world currently faces in overcoming the COVID-19 epidemic, we are seeing its positive impact on the digital transformation of the health system. The objective of this webinar is to engage a set of experts in the field and a broad audience (health professionals, researchers, regulators, NGOs, citizens, patients, students ...) in a dialogue highlighting how the pandemic has acted as a gas pedal, a catalyst for the digitalization of health. More specifically, the symposium aims to highlight the important roles of telehealth, modeling and the importance of data in this effort.
Target audience: patients, citizens, health professionals, researchers, regulators, NGOs, students (...)
Format: online (Zoom). The conferences will be mainly in French
Scientific and organizing committee: Pr Katarzyna Wac (UNIGE), Pr Swann Pichon (Haute École de Santé de Genève), Pr Christian Lovis (HUG and UNIGE)
Free and mandatory registration to receive the Zoom link by email (500 places maximum) by clicking here
Introduction (13:00-13:40)
- Pr Antoine Geissbuhler (Vice-rector of the UNIGE, chief physician of the e-health and telemedicine service of the HUG)
- Dr. Aglaé Tardin (Cantonal physician, Republic and Canton of Geneva)
Axis 1. The importance of data in the service of care and health (13:45-15:00)
- Patrice Hof (Secretary General, CARA Association)
- Vincent Hugenin-Dumittan (Head of the cantonal public health service, Canton of Neufchâtel)
- Dr. Katrin Crameri (Director Personalized Health Informatics, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB), ETH Zurich)
Round table discussion and questions from the audience (15 mn)
Axis 2. The importance of data for pandemic modeling (15:05-16:20)
- Pr Antoine Flahaut (Director of the Institute of Global Health, University of Geneva)
- Pr Serge Bignens (Director of the Institute of Medical Informatics, HES Berne)
- Pr Marcel Salathé (Digital Epidemiology Lab, EPFL)
Round table and questions from the audience (15 mn)
Axis 3. The catalytic role of the pandemic on telehealth (16:30-18:05)
- Dr Romain Boichat (co-founder and COO of the teleconsultation platform soignez-moi.ch)
- Dr. Sanae Mazouri (Assistant physician at the e-health and telemedicine department of the HUG, project leader of HUG@home)
- Rainer Herzog (Managing Director, Digital Health Partners, The Mobile App Strategy Company)
- Moïse Gerson (Testimony of a patient)
Round table discussion and questions from the audience (15 mn)
Conclusion (18:10-18:45)
- Gini Arnold (Unit head, Social Determinants of Health, World Health Organization)
We would like to thank all those who contributed to the organization of this symposium as well as the University Hospitals of Geneva, the University of Geneva, the Geneva School of Health and the Health Domain of the HES-SO.