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SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics is a non-profit foundation federating about 80 Swiss research and service groups of experts in bioinformatics. SIB’s 800 data scientists join forces to empower advances in the life sciences and health by providing researchers and clinicians with state-of-the-art bioinformatics resources, services, expertise, and training.
The Institute provides the national and international life-science community with a state-of-the-art bioinformatics infrastructure, including resources, collaborative support and services.
SIB’s groups create, maintain and disseminate worldwide a large portfolio of databases and software tools, enabling researchers to leverage knowledge about life and foster innovations. Over 160 resources are available on SIB’s Expasy portal.
SIB offers in-depth expertise and support in bioinformatics for the clinical realm as well as the life sciences community - from secure infrastructure for sensitive data and analyses of all kinds of biological data, to software development and data management.
SIB brings together world-class researchers based in Switzerland and delivers training in bioinformatics.
Through knowledge exchange networks, collaborative projects and events, the Institute strengthens cooperation on shared issues among bioinformatics research and service groups from Swiss schools of higher education and research institutes.
To ensure that life scientists and clinicians make the best of their data, the Institute provides them with a large portfolio of courses and workshops. SIB also fosters exchanges among bioinformatics and computational biology PhD students, and empowers them to use the most up-to-date methods for their research.
Some figures as of 1 January 2020: